Man With Freakishly Long Thumb Becomes Tik Tok Star

People will watch just about anything these days.

Especially on TikTok as Jacob Pina is now a viral social media star because he has a freakishly long thumb.

Jacob claims that his right thumb is about four-and-a-half inches long, and has drawn a following of nearly 1 million on TikTok for doing silly stunts with his famous finger since joining the platform last year.

In a clip posted earlier this week, Pina joked that he needed to “cool off” and dunked his thumb in a bucket of water, in a video that’s since been viewed 6.1 million times.

Growing up, Pina’s mom said that she never worried about her son’s freaky finger.

And it's a good thing because that thumb has made her son a star.

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