Some people will believe just about anything.
Now a video is going viral on social media where a man claims that metal strip in your facemask is actually a 5G antenna.
The video originated from Egypt and a voice narrating is heard to say, "Yes, indeed.
The antenna killer 5G antenna killer that's inside the masks that they are telling everybody to wear.
Now for everybody that doesn't speak Hebrew, this video came out in Hebrew saying they wanted to show you the number one killer inside the masks."
The narrator then shows the metal strip that is inside the top part of a medical mask, used to mold the mask around the user's nose.
He continues: "They tell you to put it on so that you can breathe right above your nostrils so you can inhale and it can go straight to your brain and begin to destroy. Like they say they kill people in the First World War, the Second World War, through antennas, through the 5G."
The man then advises watchers to make their own masks instead. It should go without saying, but this is 100% false.