Good News: London Train Station Hosted 200 Homeless For Christmas

This year while most folks were celebrating Christmas at home with their loved ones, about 45 workers from London’s Euston train station volunteered to spend the holiday helping the homeless. The station hosted a Christmas dinner for 200 homeless people in the community and the employees helped transform the space and prepare meals for the big event.

The dinner was a four-course meal: soup, smoked salmon, a roast dinner and Christmas pudding, a traditional holiday dessert. Guests were also given a Christmas goodie bag with presents, clothes, and toiletries. And kids from local schools also created cards for each homeless guest, addressed, “To friend.”

Network Rail engineer Steve Naybour helped come up with the idea of hosting Christmas dinner at the station says they wanted to give their homeless guests “the best day that they probably didn’t expect a few days ago.”

Source: Daily Mail

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