After a California high school student’s beloved Nintendo was stolen, he was understandably upset. Shawn Hawkins had received the gaming console from his late grandmother and he wrote on one of the school’s white boards that it was very precious to him and said he wouldn’t tell anyone who took it if they would just return it.
Classmate Shawna Cantiliano says no one came forward to bring the Nintendo back, so she decided to collect donations to buy Shawn a new gaming system this Christmas. She and her friend Piper raised money to buy a new 3DS XL and when one of their history teachers heard about their plan, she offered to pay the difference if they didn’t collect enough to purchase it.
The teacher came through and bought the present, which the students surprised Shawn with. A video posted on Facebook of the gift giving shows the teen burst into tears and embrace Shawna, telling her “Thank you” over and over. It has over half a million views and the girls say they’re happy their good deed made Shawn so happy.
Source: People