When Robert Leibowitz wore a shirt to Disney World that read, “In need of a kidney. O positive,” he knew it could generate a lot of attention and that’s what he was hoping for. The single dad has had kidney trouble since he was 12 and finding a donor can take as long as a decade. So he tried to hurry the process along so he would have more time with his kids.
And the plan worked. Someone snapped a photo of Leibowitz’s shirt and posted it to social media and the calls started coming in. Some had the right blood type but none passed the other requirements until Richie Sully. He’s a dad who was moved when he saw the story and rode a bus for 14 hours to get to Leibowitz and get checked out to be a donor. Thankfully, he was a match.
"It is not like we don't have a cure for kidney disease," Leibowitz says. "We do. It is humanity. Humanity changed its name to Richie Sully." Their surgery is scheduled for next month.
Source: Action News Jax