Teacher Gets Christmas Gifts For Every Student

When Camdenton, Missouri teacher Eric Cook’s fourth grade student broke down in tears and told him that her family couldn’t afford Christmas this year, he knew he had to do something to help. He reached out to a local Facebook group and asked for help getting a Christmas gift for each student in his class, but then someone offered to expand the idea and get gifts for every student in the building.

Cook was thrilled at the possibility and through donations and a GoFundMe campaign, he raised about $3,000 with the community’s help. And with that money he was able to buy a present for each of the 470 third and fourth graders at Hawthorn Elementary.

The students are going to get the Christmas presents this week before they go on holiday break. “Anything we can do to make their lives a little safer and better … it’s worth it,” Cook says.

Source: KY3

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