After giving Linda Walton a ride home one day, her coworker was amazed just how far she commuted every day to work. The Tennessee woman spent close to three hours riding the bus and walking every day to get to her job at Pristine Clean and Organizational Services.
Once her coworkers realized how hard she hustled just to get to work, they wanted to make it easier for her. So the other employees got together and pooled their money to buy Walton a car. Supervisor Krissy Marcellini Tammaro gave her the keys to a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix as she cried tears of joy. Walton’s coworkers even pitched in to pay for the first month of car insurance and gave her gas money, too!
“You have to be that dedicated to ride a bus for two hours and then walk 40 min,” Marcellini Tammaro says. “She is a great human being. The determination she has to come to work — who wouldn’t want to reward someone like that?”
Source: Inside Edition