#GoodNews: Boy Donates A Foot Of Hair To Kids With Cancer

Cozy Friedman, owner of Cozy’s Cuts for Kids in New York CIty has helped many kids donate their hair over the years, but she says 99% of them are girls. So when eight-year-old Kaleb Ramos came in to donate his long locks for a good cause, she was more than happy to help, cutting 14-inches to donate to Wigs for Kids, a charity that donates wigs to kids with hair loss.

Kaleb’s mom says he was inspired to grow his hair out to donate after seeing his piano teacher do it. So for a couple years now he’s been letting his hair grow and it was down to his waist when he went to Cozy’s for the chop.

After the cut, Kaleb still has hair long enough to pull back in a ponytail, because he had gotten used to having long hair. He says he’s happy with the experience and his mom hopes sharing his story will inspire other kids to grow and donate their hair.

Source: Today

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