High School Football Kicker Crowned Homecoming Queen

Dawson High School has crowned their new homecoming queen and this year’s winner is the kicker of the football team, Claire Jeffress. Not only did she help her team win the game, she posed for a photo in her crown and shoulder pads while holding a flower bouquet. How many homecoming queens can say that?

Jeffress has the support of her fellow students and her coaches, too. Her soccer and football coach, Kevin Pool, tweeted “Just too cool - our #hocoweek queen wears shoulder pads AND shin guards AND defines ‘classy.’”

This well-rounded student has played soccer for a long time and started kicking for her school’s football team back in seventh grade. She was on the junior varsity team first and last year she moved up to kick for the varsity team.

"Whenever I put on my pads or I go on the field, coach is like, 'You're not a girl right now. You're a football player.'" Jeffress explains. But she’s definitely a girl and now she’s got the crown to prove she’s a queen as well.

Source: Houston Chronicle

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