#GoodNews: Jase Robertson From “Duck Dynasty” Shaves For Charity

Jase Robertson and the rest of the men on the reality show “Duck Dynasty” are known for their long beards and hair. So we don’t see their clean-shaven faces too often. But when Robertson found a cause dear to his heart, he was willing to go under the razor for charity.

Jase shaved all of it - his long locks and scraggly beard - for the Mia Moo Fund, which is dedicated to raising awareness and funds for research and treatments of cleft lip and palate. It’s a charity the family started after their daughter Mia had surgery for the condition.

Robertson had a little help from his wife and kids, who seem to really enjoy all the cutting and trimming you can see in this video of the whole process. And all that shaving really paid off. They’ve raised more than $33,000 so far.

To make a donation to the Mia Moo Fund or to learn more, click here.

Source: Awesome Jelly

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