#GoodNews: Man With Special Needs Loves Parades, So Town Threw One For His

Matthew Davis-Robinette was born with a chromosomal deficiency that causes serious brain malformation, cerebral palsy, and autism. He also loves parades, so for his 21st birthday, his mom Kim asked friends and family on Facebook to drive by their Anderson, Indiana home and honk while Matthew sat outside.

But Kim had no idea that her request would take off like it did. Her post had more than 1,500 shares on Facebook and brought a full-blown celebration with hundreds of people, school buses, motorcycles, police cars, fire trucks, dancing groups, and marching bands. They all came out to celebrate the young man’s birthday and brought balloons and presents, too.

The birthday parade was a huge success and Matthew had a wonderful time watching it all. “Thank you to each and everyone for making today MATTHEW’S BEST DAY EVER!!,” Kim wrote on Facebook after the event. “Keep on sharing the love and compassion you showed Matthew today.”

Source: The Stir

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