Woman Delivers Baby And Has Heart Surgery...At The Same Time

Danielle Gaither is a bonafide superhero. The North Carolina woman went to her local hospital nine months pregnant with contractions and trouble breathing. After doctors checked her out, they realized that in order to save both of their lives, Danielle would need to undergo open-heart surgery while delivering her baby via C-section

The main artery to Danielle's heart had torn, cutting off the blood supply to her and her unborn child. As Dr. Jeko Madjarov explains, “They were very close to dying. We had to act fast and we had to act as a team."

Incredibly, a team of 15 doctors and nurses worked for six hours and saved both mother and child. She and her son K.V. didn't get to meet until the baby was three-months-old due to possible infections, but now Danielle says the experience has made her more grateful for K.V. and her three other children. As she puts it, “I don’t take life for granted and I love every day of my life. All of my kids are a blessing."

Source: People

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