Senior Citizens Turn To Beyoncè To Save Their Local Sports Club

Beyoncè might just be the saving grace for the Chadstone Bowls Club. The lawn bowling club in Stonnington, Australia is in danger of being knocked down to make way for a sports stadium and a trio of elderly competitors decided to take matters into their own hands. 

In an effort to draw more attention to the issue and save their club,  72-year-old Wyn Hewett, and 82-year-olds Terry Foster and Janine Hall released a "Single Ladies" parody all about their club and love of lawn bowling. The best part? Hall was the only one who knew who Beyoncè was before they perfected the choreography.

A petition to save Chadstone Bowls Club has gathered more than 7-thousand signatures. No word on if the Stonnington Council has decided to call off the demolition. 

Source: Huffington Post 

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