#GoodNews: Little Girl Helps Save Town’s Bookmobile

Thanks to one little girl, the community of Wellington, Utah will be able to keep reading. They don’t have a local public library branch there, so when the Carbon County Commission voted to cut funding to the Bookmobile, October Hamilton knew she wanted to fight to keep it open.

The 10-year-old avid reader canvassed her town and neighboring areas and got 1,000 signatures from people who supported saving the Bookmobile and then she presented the petitions at the county commission meeting. Community members and commissioners applauded October’s efforts and thanked her for getting involved. They also voted to fund the Bookmobile with a reduced schedule.

"I think she's caused some attention in our community that may create change for the better," Jake Mellor, Carbon County Commission chair, said. "What she's done in the community with her petition has done more to raise attention for literacy than anything any local politician could have done.”

Source: KSL

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