#GoodNews: Man Plays “Taps” On Roadside For Military Crash Victims

David Weeks isn’t a member of the military, but this patriotic man was out on the side of Highway 82 in Mississippi, just yards away from where the military plane went down, killing 15 Marines and a U.S. Navy Corpsman. He was there to play “Taps,” the song played at military funerals and memorials.

“I’m out here today to show my respect for the fallen,” Weeks says. “Felt in my heart to come out and honor them.”

Weeks is a member of the Patriot Guard Riders, a group that normally rides motorcycles at funerals for service men and women. But this time he didn’t want to wait until they were laid to rest to show his thanks. “They put their lives on the line every day for us,” he explains, “and I think more Americans ought to be more appreciative of them.

SourceFox 13 Memphis

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