Little did one hot soon-to-be doctor know that his ad looking for a cheap place to live near Manhattan’s Mount Sinai Hospital would get him tons of offers, just not for a room. Pakistani medical student Rehan Munir posted the ad earlier this month on Facebook looking to spend about $800 while he does his rotation at the hospital and he has since been inundated with responses, many of which would make some folks blush.
“U can live with me FOR FREE” one Facebook user responded. Another noted, “I apologize if this is inappropriate. But umm . . . boyyyy you fine!”
Therein lies the main reason for all the attention. Munir is pretty good looking, and was even a model in his native country so it’s no surprise that folks have gone a little crazy over his appeal for a place to live. And the attention isn’t only from women.
- “I’m a straight male but . . . can we cuddle possibly?,” one guy wrote. “Also how flexible are you? Like really.”
So far the ad has gotten close to 500 likes, and Munir says the response has been “pretty overwhelming,” although so far there’s no word on whether he’s actually found an apartment.
Click here to check out the hot doctor-to-be.
Source: New York Post