Lindsay Ell Opens Up About Being A Rape Survivor

Lindsay Ell just released the emotional new tune “Make You,” in which she opens up about being sexual assaulted when she was young.

"I was raped when I was 13, and it happened again when I was 21," she tells “People.” "The song only talks about the first time. It's just a difficult thing to talk about, and it's something that I process every day still."

Lindsay say she now feels a sense of freedom by sharing her story. "Part of me talking about it now is liberating the little 13-year-old Lindsay and the 21-year-old Lindsay," she says. "Pain is something we can let control us if we don't deal with it, but the minute you put a voice to your story the shame has no power."

She says her first rapist was a man who she and her family knew from their church, and she wasn’t able to tell her parents until she was 20. She says, "They had no idea it happened, and they were absolutely horrified," and they helped her get the therapy she needed. She didn’t discuss details of her second rape, only saying it was "different" and "a lot more violent,” and caused her to be “pretty messed up emotionally.”

In launching the new song, Lindsay is also launching the Make You Movement, as part of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. The group will donate proceeds from the song to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network).


(Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

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